But I want to blog anyway. It's been a while.
And that time flew.
Let's see...
My apartment is a disaster, but it shall be clean and nice once you and Kris come...and even if it's not, I'll still let you come to see it.
I was running around downtown with K yesterday for a bit, and forgot that I have Winnie the Pooh stickers all over my sweater. K didn't tell me. And I just realized it today when I was walking the dog in the same sweater. Sigh.
I have a cornbread addiction. It started at Erik and Kristie's and has resulted in me making it twice to eat with soup...but I still have soup, and NEVER have cornbread left...
At church we are talking about the affirmations of the Covenant Church, which is very interesting, because I don't remember ever looking at them before. Did we cover that in Confirmation?? OR is it a membership thing? Anyway, then our small group kind of discusses the affimation after, and we were talking about the centrality of the Word last wednesday and all I could think of was if the Word was really central, then it would be like when I read too much Jane Austen/Charlotte Bronte and I actually start to think and speak with an English accent...if the Word was central it would taint EVERYTHING...every thought, every action, every word. That sounds kinda incredible...and I have no idea how to get there, or near there...
For halloween yesterday I went to Lindsay and Geoff's for their halloween party. It was fun...I of course sat in the crowd of people and listened, and didn't have too much to say...but I had fun...and am hoping I wasn't a total loser...my costume was my plaid shirt (it's a trendy one), my skinny jeans, your boots, and a trucker hat that K and I found at goodwill with my hair in pigtails...so not that far off from what my normal is lol.
Umm...I should go, Dre will be here soon, and Anna, and I need to prepare my coffee. (I ate cornbread for breakfast and need something like coffee to actually give me energy)...hmm...I need a picture to leave you with...let me find one...ooh, here are some poppies in Israel...to remind us that next up is Remembrance Day weekend...and your visit!!!