I heart this tea.
I'm watching "Village on a Diet" right now. It's a fascinating program. To live in a community where the local government became so involved in encouraging and promoting a healthy lifestyle and then watching everyone's attitude toward weight loss and changing their lifestyle. I adore this show. FASCINATING. And the stories of some of the people ring oh so true to me. (Also, it was filmed in BC in the summer, and I love the summer part of it, a tiny bit of warmth in this cold abyss in which I live).
I like to think that if my community provided dieticians, trainers, motivations, doctors, and super chefs I'd be able to change my lifestyle. I like to think that, and I definately don't want to just sit around and wait. I've been trying to get outside and do stuff (despite the evil wrist injury). Tonight I bundled up and took the dog for a 40 minute walk.
I've also been drinking more water. I figure since I have nothing else to do all day, I may as well drink enough water. I've decided it works best with an ice cube in a tall cup and a straw (straws help the whole square cup thing).
This evening my roommate and I were just chatting and she was talking about how she does not own any lipstick, and I pointed out that I don't own ANY make-up at all. She was shocked. She wanted to know why. I don't really know why. I mean I do I suppose. I didn't grow up around it (my mom doesn't wear any). The friends in highschool kind of wore too much make up, and when they did my make up I always felt like I looked like a clown. Or a prostitute. Or some kind of strange combination of both. Obviously, I have now worn make up which is not at all slutty, but when I wear make up, I always feel way more noticeable. It freaks me out. I prefer my invisibility. Perhaps I'm putting too much power into make up, there's the whole part about confidence and personality. I'm feel like I don't have the confidence to pull off make up. I don't know. It's just a strange hang up I have. Sigh.
I am very excited for your visit! (And Morgan-if you read this- I really REALLY want to come visit you sometime as well).
I bought ski poles today. I'm being optimistic about my wrist healing, despite the fact that it is still SORE.
me. sigh.
Last night I stayed up until 4:30 finishing Harry Potter. I'll write the review for you soon.
Murphy's corner turning sounds good. IVes has turned some sort of corner too. She is still playful and bouncy, but she's more likely to chill out and let me pet her. She seems to be exiting the puppy phase and becoming a "grown up dog". Still crazy, but grown up, and still a sweetheart.
Living in the moment is challenging. I have no advice for that. I just wish you loads of luck. I think it is a good plan. We only get these moments once. I may end up being alone my entire life, but I'm only going to be 25 and single once. I have so many ideas and options and no clue what I really want to do.
Anyway, this posts photo is what I'm calling proof that I deserve to be a future church mom of North America. On Saturday I went grocery shopping with my roommate, got home and made supper to take over to the Watchorn's (Mary completely severed her achilles tendon last week...*SHUDDER*), had supper with Mary, then returned home and bakes 4 dozen muffins for Sunday morning, and then made the most delicious granola bars. The photo is proof of all the muffins (2 dozen banana chocolate chip and 2 dozen raspberry chocolate chip), the granola bars, and the cookbook shows the supper I made the Watchorn's. The bottle of Amaretto was for after...which probably makes me the best future church mom candidate I could be.
Drinking organic chi tea in a yellow and black mug where you can see the kindling effects!
ReplyDeleteI simply love reading in on your conversation to each other! Thanks for the want for me to visit! I am sad to think about me not making it out to CAN for the first time since we graduate CBC but this may be the year that it happens (sad business!).
I love both of your spirits, passions, and journeys. I am so proud to call both of you friends and so thankful to know that there are amazing women out there like you!
Both of you need to come visit me in DC. Katie take great pictures of your upcoming anticipations and show us the beauty in the moment. Katie you will make the best North American church mom candidate!
Love to you both!