Through The Grapevine, a white tea from David's Tea. In a beautiful purple, gold and pink china tea cup.
So, I failed badly the last few weeks. Why am I so terribly inconsistent? I don't know the answer, but if I did, many things would be quite different in my life :p
I'm working on my 101 in 1001 list, and it's taking forever. 101 things is and isn't that big of a list, but when it's short-ish term goals that are realistic-ish to achieve, it seems quite overwhleming. I'm at about 80 and I have a feeling they're going to start getting a little lame.
Vacation in BC was wonderful, I enjoyed the time more than anything. Being on our own schedule, no demands of us, it was remarkable, and made me realize that we did miss out by not going on a honeymoon. But, such is life. We're hoping to take a holiday for our one year anniversary, and even if that's 6 months away, I'm very much looking forward to it! Kris has never been to Disneyland, and I'm really hoping to get him there!!
How ridiculous is it that the highlight of my Christmas was the incredibly soft blanket and zebra print snuggie? But I adore them, adore. All this time I spent alone is MUCH better when tea, Murph and cuddly things are involved. Next step, a better couch! Speaking of Murph, he's mostly super good, he's fully indoor potty trained now, which hopefully will lead well into outdoor training too. I'm definitely learning he needs his downtime during the day though, even if I'm home all day he needs his kennel time, otherwise he gets crazy!! Poor little guy, it probably overstimulates him when he's used to being kenneled most days and then I come home and he's out all day!
And for today's pictures, I thought I'd snap a shot of the tea today, because I expected it to be purple, and it's very 'tea' colored! But, for some reason, they won't upload, so instead please enjoy this photo from their website of what it looks like as a loose leaf tea:
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